Saturday, December 13, 2014

One Hour of Code - Coding with Anna and Elsa

Friday my class joined the nationwide event - One Hour of Code. Things like this are a little scary for me, outside my realm of knowledge. I learned right along with them and felt just as captivated as they were. 

In this program/game/tutorial you write the code to make Anna and Elsa move, making snowflakes, passing levels as you go. 

This 1 hour trial gave me the confidence to attempt a little more in depth coding with students on scratch Ed. 

If you're on the fence with this new craze, you have to try it!!  I believe things like this are the future of education. It's important to keep up with the ever changing technology and generation. 

Try it!!

Rachel - Thrilled in Third

Thursday, December 11, 2014


I just LOVE the holidays!  Not just because we get some time off, but because of all the hope, excitement, anticipation that leads up to Christmas.  In the spirit of the season, I am posting this changing the price of this item to be FREE!!  It won't be free forever, so get it while you can!!  

Check out this Freebie for the Holiday season.  Students practice their math and writing skills by looking through store ads and picking out somethings for Christmas.  They list the item and price of the item.  After they have listed some items they add up the total.  Then they write a letter to Santa asking him for all or some of the items they found in the ad.   

Rachel - Thrilled in Third

Kahoot! It's a HOOT!

I have begun to check off the list of things I want to use in my classroom that I got from the TIES (technology) conference.  One of those things is Kahoot!  I have set up a couple of Kahoot! quizzes.  It is like the trivia games you might play at places like Buffalo Wild Wings.  

Students have their own device and answer a question.  They get more points for being the first ones to answer and points for getting it correct.  There is that element of competition that make for a fun quiz, exit slip, or review game.

Check it out and set up your free account today!  

Click here to set up your account.

I hope you find this useful for your room too!


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

TIES Technology Conference

I always love the opportunity to learn and grow in my profession.  I had the privilege of attending a technology conference the last couple of days. I have learned SO much!

I am so excited to take back the things I have learned and use them in my classroom!  I thought I'd share with you what I have learned and hopefully you might find it useful as well.:)

Things I plan to do this month:

1.  Set up remind - This is a way to stay in touch with your parents via text. 

2.  Add using a whiteboard app to my Christmas wish list activity. Check out these apps. How might you incorporate into your current lessons?  Educreations, explain everything, screen chomp, doodle buddy, doceri

3.  Tweeter of the day on a teacher/class twitter account

4.  Set up biblionasium for our class have students go on and set up bookshelves. Then read a book and post a review. Then they must respond to one kid in class. 

4.  Put a timer on my white board for EVERYTHING!!

5.  App of the day for in class free/down time

6.  Audioboom on iPad. Have students record. Put into a QR code, place on back of book and students can scan for a listen to reading time. 

7.  Use Kahoot! for our next math review lesson. 

8.  Not technology, but a good idea, have a couple kids wear "ask me" badges. They are where student questions go while I'm with a small group. 

Before the end of the year I plan to:

1.  Teach digital citizenship using this site: 

2.  Teach my kids coding using

Then do a book club project with it

3.  I movie trailers as book reviews

4.  QR code board with links to our class sites

5.  Kid Rex site for student research

6.  Tour builder for a social project...need to think more on this. 

7.  Minecraftedu. Costs some $ but is a great way for me to cover our ancient civilization standard. It puts kids in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. They have challenges or quests they work in while learning. SO COOL!

Before next school year I am going to get things prepared for:
1.  Flippity.ney
2.  Flubaroo

There's so much, it can be overwhelming sometimes, I try to start with one thing and work from there.

Good luck, if you should try any of these ideas! Some great ideas came from @mrsdelz #TIES2014

Thrilled in Third