Do you love teaching in the month of December? People may think I am crazy, I know it is a chaotic month with the anticipation of what's to come, parties, programs, etc. But if we can corral that energy into something with educational value, maybe we can get even more learning done, more than we may some other months.
Here is one thing I do during the month of December that I think the students have a blast with. We begin by reading
How the Grinch Stole Christmas. We do this right after Thanksgiving to give us time to get the project finished before Christmas.
I then lay out the project we will be working on for the month of December. I create 2 folders that look like the photo below. These have been used for a couple of years, so I may need to get new ones together this year. :)
Inside is a letter from me, to the parents, explaining what is to happen, a writing checklist, and several copies of 4 different writing projects they can choose from.
Each night, 2 students bring home the folder and a Grinch doll. I purchased them for $5 at Kohl's. They are to choose a writing project to complete that night and their parent is to go over it, making sure that all parts of the writing checklist have been covered. They color it and return it the next day. I usually only send the folders home, Monday-Thursday. I think if I send it home over a weekend there is a higher chance it won't come back.
Once all students have returned with a finished product, I make colored copies of each, enough for each student. We then take construction paper and compile them into a book each student gets to keep. You can use a binder machine, or punch holes and use yarn. I don't have a picture of previous projects, but I will get one this year to show.
Along with the writing, I also do a story elements unit, culminating with a reader's theater play. I like to do the play as well as have them learn the song, "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch", because I think it is great fluency practice.
You can find my story elements unit, along with all resources needed for the Grinch Writing project, by clicking
I hope that your month of December is filled with fun and learning!